MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey

About us........

The company Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l., established by public deed dated 07.05.2021, was born as a simplified limited liability company, operating both in Italy and abroad, mainly, as per the corporate purpose referred to in the company by-laws, in the sector of engineering design services integrated with particular regard to the works, interventions and works from "Superbonus 110%" envisaged and governed by art. 119, Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 – Law no. 77/2021 and subsequent amendments mm. ii.

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We operate both in Italy and abroad in the sector of integrated engineering design services


Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. carries out its activity integrated engineering design, making use of the high professional skills of its qualified technicians, who after having fulfilled all obligations relating to the preliminary study activity of the feasibility of the interventions and works ex. art. 119, Legislative Decree n. 34/2020 and therefore having successfully completed the assessment of the subject and objective requirements instrumental to accessing the tax relief regime provided for by law, I am in a position to proceed with the confirmation of the preliminary project and the continuation of the practice.

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MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey

MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey


The progressive corporate growth certainly favored by the remarkable economic results obtained has led Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. to enrich and implement its field of action, with the establishment of a new one company division dedicated to the turnkey realization of energy efficiency works and static consolidation of buildings and with the integration of the original corporate purpose and the consequent registration among the companies also involved in project finance, general contractor and turnkey systems.

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The huge growth and profit margins certainly influenced the corporate transformation of Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. which, with effect from 10.14.2022 has become limited liability company.

The investments proposed in the sector of interventions by "Superbonus" pursuant to art. 119 Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 on the square of Gela (main center of the province of Caltanissetta, the only one with a high industrial vocation and 6th city in Sicily by number of inhabitants), constitute the "core business" of the company.

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MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey