About us........

The company Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l., established by public deed dated 07.05.2021, was born as a simplified limited liability company, operating both in Italy and abroad, mainly, as per the corporate purpose referred to in the company by-laws, in the sector of engineering design services integrated with particular regard to the works, interventions and works from "Superbonus 110%" envisaged and governed by art. 119, Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 – Law no. 77/2021 and subsequent amendments mm. ii.

The registered office is established by statute in Milan in via Montenapoleone n. 8, with operational headquarters in Gela in via Venezia n. 340/A.

The company has large premiseswithin which the offices responsible for carrying out the design activities are currently located, spread over a total area of ​​no less than 500 square meters and appropriately divided into departments, each referring to specific areas of activity with high and proven professional technical staff .

Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l., already in the aftermath of its establishment, proceeded to acquire aorganizational model based as much as possible on levels of solid structurecapable of guaranteeing appreciable standards of quality and efficiency, both on a technological level and on a production-financial level.
The quality of the services rendered has received appreciable recognition on the market, placing itself as leading company in the field of planning and management of energy efficiency, static consolidation and seismic risk reduction interventions.

MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey

For the main performance of its activities, Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l. immediately equipped itself with an organizational chart consisting of 10 work units hired under him with permanent employment contracts, with the addition of a network of external collaborators under an agreement for a total no. of 18 professionals with proven and qualified experience,

among which well-known engineers and architects, lawyers, chartered accountants, geologists and technicians specially qualified for legal technical certifications. Currently they are in charge of the company ben 29 construction sites for the construction of works, works and interventions ex. D.L. no. 34/2020 on condominium buildings of which the same has also assumed the Works Management on behalf of the private client.

Il positive production trend, currently demonstrated by the latest financial statements to be read in relation to the values ​​expressed in the current provisional financial statements, has determined the will to proceed with a share capital increase through the full contribution to the company assets of the entire 2020 financial year profit , right resolution of the shareholders' meeting of 07.10.2022.

Therefore, the transformation of the corporate structure from a simplified limited liability company to an ordinary limited liability company was imposed, with effect from 10.14.2022. To the development and growth of the company Studio Mc. morgan. s.r.l. the matured professional and entrepreneurial experience of its Sole Director, Rag. Marquis Calogero, former contractor of multiple positions of management and/or responsibility in various companieseven with public participation.

The wide range of professional skills acquired during this decade has certainly allowed Rag. Calogero Marchese to launch the company of which he is Sole Director in the framework of an effective path of growth and entrepreneurial development, as well as financial, effectively allowing the soc. Studio Mc. Morgan s.r.l. to place itself on the market as a company capable of offering high quality levels of engineering design services, with the guarantee of a complete turnkey implementation of energy requalification and seismic upgrading interventions with the discount methods on the invoice pursuant to art. . 121 Legislative Decree no. 34/2020, thanks also to consolidated partnership with large leading companies in the field of renewable energies, including AESI S.p.A. and on its behalf of AXPO S.p.A.

MC Morgan Ltd. Gela, Sicily. Engineering design services, static consolidation, seismic risk reduction, Superbonus 110%, energy efficiency, turnkey

On these assumptions, the company has therefore matured the will to equip itself with one adequate organization of means and instrumental resources to be used in the new corporate mission, evaluated as a new entrepreneurial asset to which new financial resources can reasonably be allocated, having the right reason to trust in the new production processes that it has now decided to start with ever greater awareness of the relative profit margins.