
The progressive corporate growth certainly favored by the remarkable economic results obtained has led Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. to enrich and implement its field of action, with the establishment of a new company division dedicated to the turnkey realization of energy efficiency works and static consolidation of buildings and with the integration of the original corporate purpose and the consequent registration among the companies also involved in project finance, general contractor and turnkey systems.

During the construction phase, Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. therefore offers a functional service to the procurement strategies specifically defined for each individual project, assuming the Works Management on the condominium buildings subject to intervention on the express assignment of the private client and guaranteeing the performance of the General Contractor activities and the subsequent subcontracting of the works and of the works referred to in art. 119, Legislative Decree no. 34/2020 to highly specialized companies and suppliers, relying on the help of a dense network of commercial partners and stakeholders.

Therefore, having completed all activities relating to the planning of interventions and works, the Studio
MC Morgan s.r.l. provides for the fulfillment of all charges instrumental to the execution and closure of the works, engaging in this sense in carrying out a wide range of activities:

  • Safety coordination activities in the executive phase;
  • Construction management, accounting, reporting and SAL settlement activities;
  • Drafting of the energy report former. L. no. 10/1991 final;
  • EPA editorial staff final "conventional" and subsequent presentation of the certification of the technical requirements and the adequacy of the costs and transmission of the certification receipt on the ENEA portal for Ecobonus interventions;
  • Certification of intervention compliance carried out according to the submitted project, as certified by the designer at the start of the works;
  • Assistance and consultancy activities in the process of presentation and definition of the credit transfer procedure through a professional qualified for the relative presentation on the telematic portal of the Revenue Agency;
  • Testing of the works and certification issue the regular execution of the interventions;
  • Presentation on the telematic portal – Sicily Region of the "ordinary" post-operam APE relating to each real estate unit.

Precisely in consideration of the high technical skills possessed by the company's professionals, currently 29 construction sites already in charge of Studio MC Morgan s.r.l. for the realization of works, works and interventions from "Superbonus" in addition, following the expansion of its sectors of intervention, the turnkey management of a further 24 construction sites to be opened soon throughout the territory of the former Province of Caltanissetta.

MC Morgan immediately immersed herself in the world of engineering and in particular in the realization of thermal insulation works, welding and metal carpentry works, metalworking works of various kinds, in the installation processes and in the realization of works of thermal and acoustic insulation,in the construction, transformation, repair, maintenance and management of plants of various kinds, in the installation of suspended scaffolding and scaffolding, extensions, cantilevered scaffolding, corbels and distributed load scaffolding.